It's ok to play (at work)

Singleton Change is an app that helps your company successfully overcome any challenge.

With the help of our "microinterventions" we break down your major development goals into motivating tasks that can be quickly implemented and integrated into your daily work routine. 

In this way, we enable your organization to achieve sustainable personnel development instead of boring trainings.

Your employees work continuously on your development goals - whilst you receive data-based evaluations that prove effectiveness.

Singleton Change

Companies that trust in Singleton Change

Singleton is...


Small incentives for action,
as opposed to one-time input,
also achieve long-term behavioral change


The number of participating employees is flexible, the app is expandable and can be continuously supplemented with new content


Finally, not only is effectiveness promised, but we will also prepare a custom analysis of data-based progress for you to track the results.


Through in app challenges, employees are assigned to teams and contribute to progress - creating a company-wide feeling of belonging and cooperation.

cost effective

Compared to one-time training, coaching, e-learning, etc., Singleton is more cost-effective, is applied in the long term
and thus produces sustainable results


Once the method is known, further trainings and processes can be approached according to your demand - we can grow together

Are you curious about how exactly a singleton game is planned and what kind of content there might be in it?

Read on to see specific examples of microinterventions:

Gamification with evidence of effectiveness

Singleton is a creation of at the renowned Humboldt University. After the realization that humans need gaming to develop and learn came the question of how this knowledge could be applied in practice. Singleton is our answer to this. Based on 6 years of intensive research, you may now experience for yourself the power that an innovative, playful approach to human resource development can have.


We bring change processes exactly where they are most effective: Directly to the workplace. With us, there are no workshop rooms, absences due to further training and boring e-learning videos. Instead, a highly individual and effective card game that is played digitally in our app and takes only a few minutes a day. By implementing many small tasks, your employees start to change their behavior step by step and you achieve long-term improvements.



Personnel development is supposed to be effective and fun!

It is exciting to observe how intensively and creatively colleagues engage with Singleton in their everyday work. The attention to the small value translations runs through all age and hierarchy levels and the experiences remain in the memory even after the game.
Ines Wirsching
Personnel Officer in the Leadership Culture Project

That's what employees think:

employeeDepartment management
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"The team tasks especially reminded me how important it is to value others and even praise them once in a while for a job well done!"
employeeSales force
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"I travel a lot for my work and always take a quick look at the app before arriving at a client's site to get new inspiration and ideas!"
employeeOffice management
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"The app has been a lot of fun for me personally and has reminded me to also pay attention to my work-life balance and take small breaks every now and then between bigger tasks."
employeeDepartment management
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"The team tasks especially reminded me how important it is to value others and even praise them once in a while for a job well done!"
employeeSales force
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"I travel a lot for my work and always take a quick look at the app before arriving at a client's site to get new inspiration and ideas!"

Commitment and personal development

Real change shows through changed behavior

✅ Singleton: Handeln statt Reden Bei uns steht das Tun im Vordergrund. Wir setzen auf das Prinzip ‚Tu es, anstatt nur darüber zu reden“

✅ Spielspaß mit echtem Impact Singleton ist ein interaktives Spiel auf deinem Smartphone, mit echten, greifbaren Veränderungen und bedeutungsvollem Einfluss in deiner Organisation.

✅ Teamwettbewerb für deine Motivation In Singleton kannst du in einem freundlichen Wettbewerb gegen andere Teams antreten. Dies fördert deine Motivation und stärkt den Teamgeist, während du gemeinsam mit deinem Team Ziele verfolgst.

✅ Flexibel skalierbar & Spaß für alle  Singleton passt sich flexibel an unterschiedliche Gruppengrößen an und bietet allen Teilnehmenden Spaß. Die Veränderungen sind nicht nur spürbar, sondern dank unserer Changemetrics auch messbar.

Change that's fun!

With Singleton Change you implement your change processes in a playful, effective and measurable way. With gamification and intelligent algorithms, we turn you into a change gamer!

Let's talk!

High performing teams trust in Singleton Change

Start your Singleton Change journey today and fire up your team for a transformative future. Send us a message or book a free appointment. After that, we can get started right away.

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